Four Fe-lyings 'n A Fish Called…WHOA!
"[Dominic Tallant] was left in hospital on a drip after a vicious [cat] ripped open a vein on his arm… Wife Lisa…said: “It is an evil cat. If it was a human it would be a drug dealer or something!”
Cat? Condom? Eeeewww.
"When it rains it pours, they say. In my case, it purrs. The last few days have brought me wild feline cases—and the one I’m about to relate was the wackiest I’ve seen in weeks. Yes, it involves a condom—really."
Cat? Fat? Demo-cat. (The pic was too big to fit here.)
"A massively overweight fat cat has been put on a strict diet after getting stuck in his flap. Vets were amazed to see the six-year-old had piled on the pounds since his last visit, tipping the scales at almost two stone - three times the size of a normal cat."
Cat? Container? Road Trip!
"A cat named Meatloaf who took a 3-week cross-country ride locked in a storage container is headed home to Florida. Arizona Humane Society officials say the 2-year-old gray cat apparently crawled into the large locker in Pompano Beach, Fla. as a man loaded it for a move to Phoenix."
And a fish called what-eeeever it wants.
This sucker has more teeth than I do.
"A savage fish that eats everything it comes across, including people, has been hooked by a British fisherman — sparking fears of a deadly invasion. The giant snakehead, originating from South-East Asia, has a mouth crammed with teeth. It’s deadly in the water, but it can also “crawl” on land and survive out of water for up to four days."
posted by Harrison at 11:05 PM

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