Kibbles 'n Bits®
"After capturing and releasing a skunk Thursday, [Frank Wykofka] was killed when his SUV went off San Dimas Canyon Road and plunged into the San Dimas Reservoir, officials said. Family members became worried when Wykofka didn't show up for work at Gaston Termite and Pest Control in San Dimas, which he owned…"
At $15,000 per, whoever got paid for this job is smilin' like, well, a Cheshire you-know-what.
"Legislation protecting endangered newts is to be challenged after Cheshire County Council spent £60,000 moving four of the creatures."
Slim Jims and a firehose. That's how to handle a fe-lyin'.
"Firefighters from the South Florida city of Weston spent a sopping hour in pouring rain Tuesday trying to extract a kitten squeezed in the undercarriage of a stranger's Volvo… At some point, the cat escaped undetected, prompting the crew to spend another hour peering in bushes and scouring a Walgreens parking lot…
"Five hours after the saga began, the elusive cat reappeared: At the station, in their fire truck's rear wheel well… [T]he crew resorted to an ultimately successful three-pronged strategy: One firefighter poked the feline in the backside with a Slim Jim, another used a hose to force it into an open compartment so a third person could pull it out."
Remember all those scary stories 'bout the elderly havin' to eat pet food 'cause the eeeeeevil pharmacy companies were overchargin'? Well, accordin' to this guy, that's not necessarily a bad thing.
"Like a seasoned wine taster, Simon Allison sniffs and peers at the product he is testing. Then he samples a soupcon, noting the blend of flavours and aromas… Only when he is completely satisfied will Marks & Spencer put the dish on the shelves - among the pet foods… "The more we can make the pet food like the owner's food, the more comfortable we think customers will be serving it."
Note to Marks & Spenser: Whatever you're payin' him, I'll do it for free!
posted by Harrison at 11:10 PM

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