McCain Gets Palin—Bar-ack! Gets Poodle
Not to disparage poodles, of course, 'specially one hot little number in that obedience class. But it says a lot about the average dog-ownin' American that when the AKC ran a poll askin' 'em what kind of dog Bar-ack! should get for his kids, they voted for a poodle.
Fittin'. Poodles are intelligent and elitist with a hazy multicultural background. Some people say they came from Russia, or Germany or even Spain. But mostly it was the original surrender monkeys—the French—who developed the poodles we know today. And ya' can blame the French for that haircut, too—the French circus to be exact. Sounds about right. Combine Rodney King diplomacy with Circque de Soleil and ya' got the Bar-ack! campaign.
As the Democrats were meeting in Denver this week to crown Barack Obama as their presidential nominee, the American public selected the Poodle as its choice for his family's dog.
In a national poll of 42,000 people, the Poodle narrowly edged past the Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier as the top dog for the Obamas, the American Kennel Club (AKC) said.
"It is no surprise the American public chose a Poodle for Obama," said spokeswoman Lisa Peterson, adding the breed is the eighth most popular nationally and the third most common type of dog in Washington, D.C.
I think she really means the dog, not the politicians.
The club also noted that Republican presidential hopeful John McCain already has four dogs, including a Yorkshire Terrier and a Springer Spaniel. According to the Kennel Club, McCain enjoys a 42 percent to 37 percent edge over Obama among animal lovers.
The Bush family dog, Barney, a Scottish Terrier, has become a celebrity during his eight years in the White House, complete with his own website."
Do ya' really wanna' replace terriers with--a poodle!?
posted by Harrison at 10:28 PM

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