Republicans Need 350% Turnout
That map of states where ACORN is workin' its magic registration marker needs a few additions. Alabama is invitin' both people and canines to vote.
Ever wonder if all this fuss about possible voter registration fraud is simply that – a fuss? Well, considering a dog here in Pike County [AL] received a personally addressed voter registration form this month from the Alabama Democratic Party, we’d have to say there’s legitimate cause for concern.
Geeze. All I ever get are bogus credit card applications.
Mississippi wants to be a player too.
Mississippi's voter situation is hard to believe. Places like Madison County have over 123% more registered voters than people over the age of 18.
Sue Sautermeister, First District Election Commissioner in Madison County, tried to purge the rolls, but ran into trouble when it was discovered it takes a vote of three of the five election commissioners and the purge cannot take place within 90 days of a federal election.
"It is terrible," [Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann] says. "Combined with the fact that we don't have voter ID in Mississippi, anybody can show up at any poll that happens to know the people who have left town or died—and go vote for them." […]"We have 486 people (registered who are) over 105."
And don't count out Georgia where Bar-ack! supporters are gettin' desperate.
There are allegations of voter fraud, as a Dougherty County family claims the vote of a mentally challenged relative was stolen. They say the adult day rehab program where Jack Justice attends took him to vote, without the family’s permission. What’s worse is Justice says the person helping him wouldn’t cast the ballot for his choice for President.
Jack Justice has been voting since he turned 18. Typically his family takes him to their neighborhood precinct. This time Primus Industries, his adult day rehab program, took him to vote. His family was shocked, but what shocked them more was that Jack claims that his aide commandeered his vote.
“They told me to vote for Obama, I said no I wanted to vote for McCain,” said Jack… [He]…says the person helping him, selected Obama’s name.
Arizona is already on the map, but the Bar-ack! machine is still investigatin' all possibilities.
Question: I've just had to put my husband in a nursing home. He has severe Alzheimer's. I have his power of attorney. My question is can I cast his vote from him in the election? He always voted a straight Democratic ticket.
Answer: I'm afraid the power of attorney doesn't allow you to vote for him.
Oh, hell. Just sue 'em all and let God sort 'em out.
posted by Harrison at 12:09 AM

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