Name:Harrison Location:United States

The Original Lovable Little Fuzzball

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The adventures of Harrison are true.
Try a few of his Crunchy Bites for a taste.
--Alpha Human Mom

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Mushin' to a Photo Finish

UPDATE: To all you young whippersnappers out there—brwaaaappzth! Jeff King won the race last night by three hours. 50-year-old Jeff King has won the Iditarod four times. (No word on the age of his dogs.)

Or as close to a photo finish as the Iditarod can be, accordin' to the official site.

"If you like drama, and you like close finishes, take a look at the Iditarod trail Sled Dog Race leader board. Right now the top three making their way up the Gold Coast toward Nome are separated by a hand full of hours. The race is definitely on! Jeff King seems to be maintaining his lead over Doug Swingley, and between the three, Dee Dee Jonrowe had the fastest time from Unalakleet to Shaktoolik. Dee Dee gained precious time in her hunt for her very first Iditarod Championship.

Jeff King runs on the Yukon River amongst fresh snow drifts.
Photo © Jeff Schultz/AlaskaStock.com


posted by Harrison at 11:56 AM


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